Janis Henderson

10 Ways to Get More LinkedIn Pulse Views, Likes, Comments & Shares!



We know that content is essential, so one of the biggest questions I hear is, how do I get more LinkedIn Pulse (blog post) Engagement?

It is embedded into our sales and marketing psyche that relevant insights that make our buyers think differently about their current situation, company or industry is what it takes for them to want to take our call.

So, we spend hours and hours developing superior commercial insights that will not only resonate with our buyers but disrupts their rational. Content that Attracts, Teaches and Engages.

But when we finally publish it, we get very few views, even less likes, comments and shares and feel as if all that time and energy bore no fruit.

Don’t worry – you can control this outcome, you can even build the engagement of  your past masterpieces. Here are 10 easy to follow actionable steps that will drive targeted traffic to your post.

  1. Create content that engages your target market. HOW TO: CLICK HERE for Does Your LinkedIn Content Attract, Teach & Engage Your Target Market? Blog Post.
  2. Share your blog post in LinkedIn Groups that are aligned with your message. From the blog post, you are provided with share buttons that make this very simple. HOW TO: Click on the “in” button, click “post to groups” fill in title and details. then in the “Groups” box begin typing the name of your groups beginning with “A” and select the groups from the dropdown that you wish to post. Then type in “B” and repeat the steps. Continue the the alphabet until you have chosen all of your groups and click share.
  3. Create a list of 10 or so professionals that work with a similar target audience as you and commit to sharing each other’s content every time you post. No one likes to be the first one to “like” or “comment”, so if you get it started, their networks will see they liked your post and your views will grow exponentially. HOW TO: From that same “in” share button mentioned in #2, click “send to individuals” at the bottom, begin typing their name and choosing from the drop down (you must be 1st degree connections). You can send up to 50 people at one time. Be sure to type in a personalized note: XXX, I just posted a blog on TITLE, please “like”, “comment” and “share” and I will do the same the next time you post on LinkedIn. Thank you in advance for your support. – Brynne and send.  (CAUTION: Because you can no longer blind copy, realize that everyone you send to will see each others name and can respond to all)
  4. @Mention 10 targeted connections every dayHOW TO: Click share an update on the home page, Type in the “Thought You Might Like TITLE” and paste the link of the blog post. Then type @NAME of the people you’d like to mention and pick the name from the drop-down.
  5. Post it to your LinkedIn Company Page and your newsfeed.
  6. Share it with other platforms such as twitter, Google+ and Facebook with #hastags that are read by your target audience. In your message, you can mention (@TARGETNAME) specific people you would like to share your content with, but be sure not to SPAM them – and only send content that is purely educational not selling them anything. BONUS: When you tweet your post mention @LinkedInPulse – you get their attention and if they like your content you might be picked up and shared around the world.
  7. Leverage your email list to get your message in front of the people who already know, like and trust you. Use Constant Contact,  OntraPort, Infusionsoft or Mail-chimp so you can see exactly who is clicking through and visiting your posts (they are leads to follow up on). Every time you post your blog, email a teaser paragraph with a link back to your your LinkedIn post.
  8. Add a link to your latest blog post on your email signature. I purchasedhttp://LinkedInPosts.com and it redirects to my blog posts. This makes it very easy for me to share it with my network. If you blog consistently, you can even add it to your business card.
  9. Consistently build your LinkedIn network with your in-person relationships. Be sure to connect with your co-workers, clients, networking partners and friends as well as the prospects you speak with everyday. Each time you post on LinkedIn, your connections and followers will receive a notification (flag) in LinkedIn with the title of your new post. The bigger your qualified network is, the more views and readership you will have.
  10. Share it in a Welcome Email – Every time you connect with someone send a message like:

Thank you for connecting with me on LinkedIn. As a networker, I always like to start off a new relationship in giving mode. I want to share with you my blog post, Does Your LinkedIn Content Attract, Teach and Engage Your Target Market? http://sslink.co/1ScSM74 I share some new strategies on how to create content that will be effective in your business development efforts.

Good Networking,

PS – If you are not a member yet, check out Linked User Group, a great place to ask LinkedIn’s top experts questions and share your knowledge as well.

I will also add you to my LinkedIn email tips – so please look for those!

BONUS: Recycle your blog posts. By using HootSuite or Buffer, you can schedule a healthy rotation of your blog posts on a daily/weekly basis. I continue to share blogs that get engagement months or even years later.


Are you ready to transform your LinkedIn profile to a value-centric, buyer engaging page? Is it time to have a solid LinkedIn daily routine and message templates to support your efforts? If yes, it might make sense to sign up for a 90-minute private session with me. SCHEDULE NOW!

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