Janis Henderson

10 Ways You Can Use Social Media to Level the Playing Field!

Social Media for Entrepreneurs

It used to be that only the big corporations with fat budgets had the corner on mass marketing campaigns. Whether they were buying billboards, radio time or even PR in magazines and TV spots. Boy have times changed. Although it does take some time and resources to get the message out, it doesn’t take big bucks any more.

Social Media is a powerful and affordable way to position you and your company as the thought leader. Your website and profiles can exude any impression that aligns with your story – big or small. You can share educational content and get it in front of thousands of prospects and engage them. Here are a few ways you can leverage free and almost free social media to get noticed:

  1. Set-up a blog or Vlog (video blog). Use WordPress, Tumblr or Blogger and can you get you started right away. Not a writer? no problem, develop some great questions and interview your clients and prospects for content. You can get some great industry insights, share educational content that they provide and attract their network as well.
  2. Publish your blogs on LinkedIn’s new publishing platform. LinkedIn picks up articles and pushes it out on Pulse (LinkedIn Today) and to the inbox of your followers. It is a great way to get your message out in front of hundreds or even thousands!
  3. If you are a writer, submit your content to publications like Scoop.It, Feed.ly, Newsle, buzzfeed,  or industry sites.
  4. Submit press releases when great things happen at your company. Be sure to send them to your local chambers of commerce and sites like PR.com, 1888pressrelease.com, 24-7pressrelease.com, bignews.com, pr-inside.com, prurgent.com, prwindow.com, prlog.org and so many more. If your story is newsworthy, you will get picked up.
  5. Post all your content on all the platforms on a consistent basis.
  6. Email education out to your list on a scheduled, consistent basis. My connections get mine every week and you are reading this now…so I guess it works!
  7. Create a lead generation machine. Create an eBook or educational video with an opt-in form or hosted on a platform that collects contact information of your viewer. Watch 5 LinkedIn Video Tips – after Tip #1 You will be asked to share your email. Educating my viewers is a great way for me to grow my email list.
  8. Brand your LinkedIn profile as well as Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus and others as a the thought leader through content filled with keywords so Google and other search engines view your profiles and website as experts in your field. Be sure that your value proposition is clear on all channels, it is important that your viewers know the solutions you offer at a glance.
  9. Automate your posts through Hootsuite. You can schedule tweets and posts to most social networks in advance so you are sharing great content all day long. It looks like you have a whole team working for you!
  10. Put a plan in place, measure your results and make necessary changes.

Want to learn how? Start with Social Sales Link’s Book on Amazon (45 minute on-demand webinar on how to Leverage LinkedIn for Business Development included)

If we aren’t connected yet, I would be honored if you’d join my network! http://www.linkedin.com/in/brynnetillman

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