Janis Henderson

3 LinkedIn New Year’s Resolutions

LinkedIn New Year's Resolutions

As we all enter 2015, many of us spend time contemplating our the goals we are going to resolve to achieve that make the new year the best one ever! Over the last few days I have been combining both my personal and professional lists, and I thought I would share with you the top 3 LinkedIn resolutions I am committing to in 2015…please share yours in comments! 

1. To respond personally to every single new connections on LinkedIn with a note similar to:

Thank you for connecting with me on LinkedIn. As a networker, I always like to start off a new relationship in giving mode. I want to share with you one of our eBooks- 11 LinkedIn Tips for Business Development http://sslink.co/11LinkedInTipsforSales. Hope you enjoy it! Or It is nice to be connected with you on LinkedIn. Typically I like to have a brief conversation with my new connections, here is a link to my calendar http://ScheduleaCallwithBrynne.com please pick a time that is most convenient for you. I am looking forward to our call.

2. To proactively make at least one meaningful introduction between two people in my network ever week. I will simply visit the first person’s profile, click send message, click “include others in message” type the second person’s name and write: Dear Friend1 and Friend2, I would like to introduce the two of you as I believe you can both benefit from being part of each others’ networks. Friend1 does A, B and C and Friend2 does D, E and F. Simply reply all to this message to meet and set up a time to chat. Please let me know how it goes, and if there is anyone else in my network either of you would like to meet, please let me know, I am happy to connect you.

3. To allow all veterans in career transition or in a sales position to attend any of Social Sales Link’s public classes or webinars as our guest. If you have served our country or you know of anyone that has that can benefit from LinkedIn training, please visit: http://LinkedInClasses.com and use discount code Veteran. If you have any questions please email Brynne.Tillman@SocialSalesLink.com.

And, of course as I resolve to do every year, I will exercise more and eat healthier. Please share your resolutions in comments!


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