Janis Henderson

6 Amazing Ways to Use the LinkedIn Apps

LinkedIn Apps

It took a while, but I think they got it right this time…really. You know I am a big LinkedIn fan, in fact my entire business is centered around it, but I was always frustrated that the iPhone Apps just didn’t meet even the minimum level of acceptance, until now.

Thank you LinkedIn, for finally listening to us! I am actually using 4 of their apps now, the Classic App, Connected, Navigator and Pulse and I LOVE them!

Click Here to check out all of LinkedIn’s Apps and how to get them.

Here are 6 ways I use my LinkedIn Apps. Please share in comments how you use them.

1. On the classic Linkedin App you can now customize an invitation to connect!When you are on the profile page, there is a box with an arrow on the very top of the screen. This allows you to follow them, customize an invitation or forward their profile. This is such a big deal and I am beyond thrilled that personal invites can now happen via the App. By the way, you don’t need an email or to choose “how you know them” when connecting here.

2. From the classic Linkedin App you can download your LinkedIn connections to your address book. A new contact will be created after LinkedIn tries to match the contacts so not to create a duplicate. If they find a match it will complete open fields but not replace existing ones, so you won’t lose your current data. And, each time you launch the app, LinkedIn will ask you if you would like to update your address book with your new connections. What a great way to keep your contacts current!

3. The LinkedIn Connected App makes it very easy to sync your calendar and then it alerts you when you are meeting or have met someone you aren’t connected to yet. It makes getting ready and following up on a meeting uber easy!

4. From the LinkedIn Connected app you can wish happy birthdays and congratulations to your connections fast and simple. To make semi-customized messages easier, use keyboard shortcuts. On the iPhone go to Settings, Keyboard, Shortcuts and add clever phrases that you can share with a few keystrokes so your message will stand out for the 187 other ones they have received and it will keep your connections appreciating you.

5. The LinkedIn Pulse App delivers news based on my settings. It has actually saved me money, really. How? Usually when I am standing in the grocery store line I get sucked in to the gossipy magazines, but now I go right to the Pulse App and read content that I really enjoy!

6. If you are using LinkedIn Navigator (premium account), you can quickly see the leads that you have previously saved, view what they are talking about in one newsfeed and engage with them in real-time, even if you aren’t connected to them yet.

If you aren’t using the LinkedIn Apps because you never tried them or because you tried them and found them sketchy at best, try them again…you might be quite surprised!

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