Janis Henderson

Why Sales Professionals Are Not Getting What They Want & Need Out Of LinkedIn!


We are all on LinkedIn, in many cases every day – but most aren’t getting what they want or need from the tool, yet we keep coming back for more.

The number one reason sales professionals aren’t as productive with LinkedIn as they could be is because they don’t have a plan, they are winging it every single day.

Here are the 7 vital steps to putting together a productive plan that will help you convert your activity into business.

  1. Define your LinkedIn goals and the key performance indicators that you can measure for success. For example are you measuring new connections, new conversations, views to your profile, number of likes and comments on your posts etc.
  2. Identify who your prospects are on LinkedIn. What is their title, industry, company size and geographic location (the filters that are available to us in the LinkedIn Advanced Search). If you have a premium account, include those filters in your client persona so you can engage with a laser focus.
  3. Choose the activities that you would like to do on a daily or weekly basis like; Reaching out to people that have viewed your profile, Finding and connecting with new people, asking for client referrals, asking and making introductions to your network, prospecting by company, publishing content, engaging on other peoples’ content or dozens of other exercises. Don’t pick too many out of the gate, choose a couple that you can commit to implementing. If you try to tackle too much – you are likely to get overwhelmed and stop before your see success.
  4. Decide how many of each activity you want to do each day. The key to your success includes a number to work toward, like; how many blog posts to engage with, how many people to connect with, how many introductions will you ask for, how many networking meetings will you go on etc.
  5. Develop template messaging around each activity and store them in a a Chrome auto-text expander or keyboard shortcuts on your smart phone to make your time as productive as possible.
  6. Schedule the appropriate time on your calendar every day and treat the time like a client. That means you don’t answer your phone in the middle of your scheduled time, don’t look at your emails and simply focus on the task at hand.
  7. Measure your progress. It is imperative that you evaluate what is working and not working and adjust your activity so that your time is the most productive it can be.

Having a clear plan and process around your LinkedIn activity will make a huge impact on your success.

Do you have questions around your LinkedIn activity? Let’s set up a call. Whether or not we decide to work together, I am confident that our call will be filled with insights that can help you leverage LinkedIn better. Here is a link to my calendar http://ScheduleaCallwithBrynne.com please pick a time that is most convenient for you. I am looking forward to our call.


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