Janis Henderson

#LinkedInLifeLive: Tips on How to Start Conversations on LinkedIn in an Authentic Way


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Raw Transcript Below:

#LinkedInLifeLive Transcription Highlights- Tue Feb 16, 2021

Tips on How to start conversations in an authentic way

Bob (7:52- 8:36)

Find something in common is always the best way to do things. When people list education. Sometimes you may know someone who went to that school, if they list interest, you may have a common interest there. If they list some voluntary stuff, and you can, you know, you can understand or whatever with that, you can do that, too. I’ve got some things in my profile that I specifically put in there that have worked in terms of people going, Oh, yeah, he, he does this, I do this too, you know, I’ll mention that when I reach out or whatever, that stuff really works. And it is about being human because this is human-to-human contact. Don’t be a robot.

Sally Jo (8:39-9:10)

So I think you know, by looking at their most recent activity, because you know, when you make the message about them, it resonates with them. So if you’re looking at their most recent activity, seeing what they’re commenting on, perhaps they’ve posted a blog or a video of some sort, bring it back to them, bring it back to what they’ve said. So that you’re really starting to connect with them again, on a more human level. And you did your homework, and they can see that you did your homework. It’s not. It’s not you’re not being machine-like.

Brynne (9:15-9:56)

My tip is go look at the people that are engaging with the content they’re engaging on. So let’s say they’re engaging on bill McCormick, amazing post, right? Okay, great. So now I engage and say, you know, I comment on their comment. And now I reach out and say, Hey, I see that you’d like their own karmic stuff. Did you hear his podcast that he did last week on X, Y, and Z? It was amazing. I’m happy to send over a link if you’re interested. Now we’re talking about right we entered a conversation and we start talking about the conversation. So really important.

Bill (9:15-9:56)

You know, we’ve most of us, if we’ve been in networking for any amount of time, we’ve had that one guy or that one girl that comes into a new networking room, and they’re the card slinger, right? They go to every group of people. And they say, Hi, I’m Bill and I sell websites. Hi, I’m Bill, I’m so and what’s our perception that person like? Okay, back off, buddy, you know, back off, you know what, sir? Don’t be that person on LinkedIn.

A quote from our friend Larry Levine: Don’t be an empty suit.

Watch our #LinkedInLifeLive episodes every Monday, 12:30 PM ET, exclusively on our official LinkedIn Company page and Youtube Channel.

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