Janis Henderson

Do One LinkedIn Activity this Week and Double Your Pipeline!


Did you come to this post rolling your eyes thinking this is just another article that claims to solve sales people’s woes using the mythical social selling strategies that just don’t have substance? Or did you say, hey I am ready to actually implement something that can make an impact on my business right now. Just one thing… I can do that!

Well, whatever it took to get you here, you are here…so lets make the most of our time together!

Here is the ONE thing I want you to do this week is…

Get more client referrals. 

  1. Pick 5 clients that love you!
  2. Identify who they know that you want to meet – simply click on their connections (500+) type in the title or keyword of the people you want to meet using boolean searches “TITLE” OR “WORD” OR “PHRASE” and hit enter.
  3. Click on the ADVANCED button on the top left to the connections box.
  4. Drill down by using the filters on the left hand side.
  5. Make a list of the people you want to meet.
  6. And ask them – Mr. Client I noticed you are connected to quite a few people I am looking to meet can I run these names by you…
  7. Have the conversation – and ask for introductions via LinkedIn or email.

If done correctly… you should get 3 introductions from each client, a total of 15, which should be 10 conversations and 2 opportunities now and even more into the future.

I was fortunate enough to have a blog published in the LinkedIn Sales Blog – and that is what inspired this post READ HERE.

Please share with us your business development ideas and success in comments.

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