Janis Henderson

Is Your Audience Sharing Your Message on Twitter? Use @ClicktoTweet!

Click to Tweet

Twitter is now seen as one of the most effective social sales tools according to Kite Desk [READ ARTICLE], even more so than LinkedIn. Now, I am not sure I 100% agree with that, however we do have to take twitter seriously, whether we like it or not! There are many ways to leverage twitter including( but not limited to):

  1. Identifying and follow your target audience
  2. Listen to what they are sharing
  3. Participate in tweet chats (where communities come together to discuss a topic via twitter)
  4. Share your original content
  5. Engage others to share your content by mentioning them in a tweet
  6. Highlight other peoples’ content by retweeting, quoting (where you add your .02 to your retweet) or favoriting prospects tweets.
  7. Use click-to-tweet:
  • Visit clicktotweet.com
  • Write the message that you want others to share in the click-to-tweet box.
  • Click the “Generate New Link” button to create a custom link.
  • Click the copy link button on the top right (looks like to pieces of paper).
  • Share the link and track the activity of each link over time.
  • Whoever clicks on the link will have the message automatically added to their Twitter status box, they click tweet and it is out there. Easy!


It auto-populates a tweet, and although it can be edited, you are getting your audience to tweet out the message you want them to share.

Add clicks-to-tweet to your LinkedIn publications, your email signature, website pages and so many places more to get people to start sharing your content your way.

I also use this when I am speaking, training or even at trade shows to get a lot of buzz. But, the automated link that click-to-tweet generates is too hard to give folks on the fly (http://ctt.ec/4904e), so when I want them to tweet something fast I make it easier. I purchase an inexpensive URL from Godaddy and have it redirected to my click-to-tweet link.

Ex: TweetSSL.info is a common link I share. I can have this URL printed on handouts, projected on a screen, or even just ask people to tweet it, because it is so simple, everyone can type it in their mobile browser to share it quickly.

BONUS: You can have contests around click-to-tweets – a giveaway or something valuable to your prospects. Maybe the one who gets the most retweets by a specific date or time wins. It is simple and fun, and a great way to get your audience helping you get your message out virally.

What does click-to-tweet do for you?

  1. It gets you audience sharing a unified message
  2. Your Klout score will go up (if this matters to you)
  3. Everyone is using the same #hashtag when sharing your stuff
  4. You get a mention every time someone tweets
  5. You can follow those folks later
  6. You can begin to engage with them

Click-to-Tweet is one of the easiest and productive social selling tools I have seen in a while. I hope you have as much fun with it as I do!

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