Janis Henderson

Leverage LinkedIn’s Experience Section to Attract & Engage More Buyers



Today’s tip is a very simple, but powerful one. Your experience appears at the top of your profile which is the first impression your visitors see, so taking advantage of this real-estate is vital for getting your message across quickly to your buyers.  Here’s how:

  1. From the experience section, connect your company to your profile if it isn’t yet. Click “Change Company” begin typing and choose your company from the drop-down (if it doesn’t appear, your company may not have a page). Save.
  2. Now, click “edit display name” next to the company name and use the 90 characters to include keywords and phrases that get the attention of your readers. (see image below)
  3. Take advantage of your “Title” area and add some keywords and phrases that help your buyer understand what you can do for them.
  4. Don’t forget to fill out the description area with the value you bring your clients. Get your buyers excited to want to have a conversation.
  5. Upload rich media; presentations, videos, collateral or other valuable content to your experience section to help your buyers learn more about you and your solutions.
  6. Get recommendation from clients that are connected to your current company to add immediate credibility.


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