Janis Henderson

The New LinkedIn Connection Request Rocks 3 Ways!


The learning curve with the new LinkedIn has many missing some of the most wonderful features. LinkedIn’s connection invitation being one of them. This big change has a significant impact on the way we can now connect and engage with targeted decision makers, influencers and stakeholders.

Here is why I am so excited about the update:

1. You don’t have to say how you know them. Having to check off how you knew someone when requesting to connect often intimidated users who became reluctant to connect. While your invitee never actually saw what you chose, it still held people back from inviting people to join their network. Now, when you ask to connect with someone from their profile, you don’t have to say how you know them. Your only choices are to send a note or not; please send a note. The only exception to the ease of connecting is if the recipient has set their settings to ask for an email or if you have received too many “I don’t knows”.

2. You can add a link in a connection request. Big win. The ability to add a link to a video, blog post or article is a powerful way to add value to your invitee before you even connect. In addition, you can add your email which you were never able to do prior.

3. The new connection appears in the Messaging tab. If you personalize your note, which you should always do, when someone accepts, there will be a notification in your messaging (inbox). If you don’t see them, click on the filter bars and choose unread messages. Now it is simple to follow up with a welcome note and keep the conversation moving.

These new features are great improvements for social selling with LinkedIn. Share your thoughts on the new LinkedIn experience in comments below.

Interested in learn more about the new LinkedIn, WATCH the New LinkedIn Tutorial video.

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