Janis Henderson


The Thought Leader’s Checklist – Creating, Sharing and Engaging with Content

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Becoming a thought leader on LinkedIn doesn’t happen overnight. And, it doesn’t happen randomly. It takes hard work and commitment. In this post, we are going to review what a content schedule might be for your original content for a month.

  • Pick a topic (and if you can’t think of one, try one of these)
    • Questions your clients have asked you
    • Keynote topics from a conference you have attended
    • Google top blog posts (don’t read them just take inspiration from the titles)
    • Look at questions in Quora and other community sites
    • Check out BuzzSumo.com
    • Look at the table of contents from some of your favorite books
    • Browse through podcast titles
  • Write the blog first
    • What is the challenge
    • Record the clear take-away(s) your audience will get
    • Name it – clever but not too clever – they have to know what they are going to get when they click through the link
    • Add search-engine-optimized words
    • Make or buy a graphic that is consistent with your digital brand
    • Decide on a call-to-action
      • Download more insights in an ebook
      • Set up a call
      • Register for a webinar
  • Create 4-8 images
    • Create Quotes from the blog post
    • Ask a question that leads back to the blog post
    • 2+ 30 seconds to 3-minute Videos
      • Highlights of the post
      • Interview people on the topic via zoom
      • Read your quotes and add additional insights
      • Get it transcribed for free at otter.ai
  • 2+ Text posts
    • Ask a question
    • Make an observation
    • Quote a stat that leads back to your blog
    • Identify amplifiers
      • Clients
      • Co-workers
      • Frenemies
      • Friends
      • Family
      • Community
  • Record your hashtags
    • Identify hashtags your intended audience follows
    • Use your own unique hashtag
    • Make sure your company page is following them
  • Schedule
    • Date to publish blog
    • Break up your subtopic collateral and schedule it over the month
  • Share blog post on LinkedIn
    • Choose where to publish the post, on LinkedIn Articles or on your website
    • Choose whether to share it on your personal timeline or your company’s
    • If it is posted on the company’s page, be sure to tag yourself
    • Use appropriate hashtags
  • Amplify the blog post
    • Get activity within the first hour
    • @Mention your amplifiers with a question or request for their perspective
    • Click on the … copy the link, add some text and share it in a LinkedIn message, email on your email signature.
    • Share it in LinkedIn groups
    • Join or create a LinkedIn Amplification Pod where you have up to 50 people that have a similar audience where you can share each other’s posts
    • Send it in a newsletter
  • Share supporting content
    • Upload videos to LinkedIn Native video from the home page or phone
    • Use the transcription in the text
    • @Mention amplifiers
    • @Mention your company page (or your personal page if the company shared it)
    • Use hashtags
  • Engage and connect
    • Everyone that reacts, shares and comments should become a new connection
    • Respond to every comment
    • Ask them to follow your company page and your unique #hashtag – (Follow ours please #sslinsights and follow Social Sales Link company page too!
    • Engage on other content they have engaged on (just look at their activity on their profile)
    • Find other content with relevant hashtags and engage on it (it will attract new people who might like your content)
    • Send a link to 20 people in your network letting them know that you think they might get value from it or asking for their perspective on it
  • Find a few thought leaders who are killing it on LinkedIn and follow them, learn from them and make it your own

 Becoming a thought leader takes so much more than pushing out content – but it does take a unique perspective on a consistent basis. This is just one simple checklist that you are welcome to use or simply be inspired by.

As always, if you have any questions on how you can use content or just some insights around thought leadership to rock your brand, I’d love to chat. Here is a LINK to my calendar, please pick a time that works best for you.





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